Tanner's cousin Brooke got me hooked on a book called "Skinny Bitch." It presents its topics in such a cut and dry, kick you in the shin, while calling you names way but unusually you actually feel good after being yelled at continuously. Because the book really makes you stop and think about all the crap that you put down the hatch everyday while encouraging you to make some simple changes to make yourself feel better.
One topic that really stuck out in my mind was the one that my dad constantly harrasses me about. And that is my addiction to milk...there I said it. Well it isn't so much the milk part so much as it is my inability to digest it that is the issue here. But they make these fancy pills these days that break down the lactose when your body just can't do the job. So, I have been pill popping since high school and the book recommends avoiding pills as well as things that your body doesn't want you to consume.
So I have been avoiding cheeses...replacing that as often as possible with hummus, yeah hummus. It really isn't as bad as it sounds I promise. And when I was at Wegman's a few days ago the "soy milk" was staring at me from the shelf. I nudged it into my cart...I thought "only $1.99 I can try that I guess." I resisted pouring it on my cereal yesterday but this morning I had to do it. I love milk I miss it already. This stuff tasted like warm Breyer's vanilla ice cream mixed with rice and of course my cereal. That's just not right early in the morning.
It's been hard but I am definitely cutting back my dairy intake...I am not going cold turkey no way...baby steps.

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