Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I mean, I guess it could be worse…right?

You know it’s pretty bad when you start thinking of the all the positive things and they sound like this…”Well at least I didn’t break my nose…or my glasses,” “At least you didn’t bite through your lip,” “At least I didn’t chip my tooth,” “and thank goodness I am an accountant not a model.”

I am such a moron! Last night I stood up a little too fast in my closet when I heard the phone ringing and stepped smack into the doorframe. I didn’t even see it coming. The next thing I know I am sprawled out on the floor screaming as blood flowed from my nose all over our white carpet. Tanner came to the rescue and after he saw I was truly all right he managed to let out a little laugh. It was quite the night of freezing my face off while I tried to ice down the frightening swelling…I have the worst luck!

All I have left to show from last night is a ‘honkin’ fat lip and swollen nose and I guess I bruised my ego to top it off. I look like such a freak but the best part about it is that it doesn’t hurt too much to smile…so I can at least try to laugh about it.


  1. There is actually a name for those kind of things...they are called "Natalie tricks". My family named it that. I have gotten better as I've gotten older, but when I was younger I would do that stuff all the time. Miss you guys! Love your new place!

  2. That sucks, but now you have a funny story I guess. Your house looks great! I'm definitely jealous of our cute bedroom set. We have not invested in a new one yet... Hope you guys are doing well.

  3. really Corkey... you are such a spaz! I really don't remember you being such a cluts(?) really though i'm sorry! wish you'd take a picture already and post that fat lip of yours! Get better!!!

    I"m still jealous and want your house!

  4. Sorry Kirst, I still can't stop laughing. hahaha. I think as you get older you are turing more and more into your mother. I do shit like that on a daily basis, still, to this day. The things I do never amaze me. However mine don't leave marks, usually.
