Sunday, February 1, 2009

TC: Mr. Heckles

If you have watched enough Friends you know who Mr. Heckles is. The neighbor who lives above Monica's apartment who continually comes down to complain about loud noise levels in the apartment. Since our downstairs neighbor has moved in I feel like I'm now Mr. Heckles.

Every weekend from about 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM our annoying bottom neighbor feels it necessary to blast his tunes while he does whatever he does down there. I'm talking BLAST. If I put a glass of water on the ground its like on Jurassic Park when the T-Rex it tromping through the jungle. The man has got some bass!

Like Mr. Heckles, I have gone down stairs and kindly asked if he'd turn his music down. To which he responds, "Its not even that loud." So I have to deal with these jam sessions in a more creative fashion. Most of the time putting in some headphones does the trick but, when they don't, more extreme measures must be taken. Examples include "exercising" or just running up and down all 38 stairs in the house, "plyometrics" throwing the term light on your feet out the window of course, cranking up our own tunes, recreating the million man march every time I go into the kitchen, vacuuming. You know, anything to show the dude, "Hey, turn your F'ing music down."

Well today, today was different. The downstairs rave started a little late and I had just eaten lunch so I couldn't even think about exercise. But there was something missing from the music today, a decent drummer. So I helped him out by playing the floor drums to the beat of his tunes. I guess he got the hint because after only one song, the music stopped.

"Oh well" I thought, "I would rather study than play the silly floor drums anyway.


  1. Hey Mr. Heckles. How old is this guy? Call the cops.

  2. When I had lovely neighbors like that I played basketball in my kitchen. They got the hint real fast.

  3. Have you tried playing the recorder? That usually works for me.

  4. Love to Mr. Heckles, and death to your neighbor!

  5. you should play Mr. heckles some times, its fun to pretend you're the annoying ones! agreed with cass! and i think a recorder would be HILARIOUS!

  6. Thanks. I will try everything besides calling the police. It hasn't got that bad yet. Maybe if he decides to play the tunes later than 3pm...

  7. I feel the need to correct you. I'm pretty sure Mr. Heckles lived below Monica and Rachel. Recall the episode where he dies (may he rest in peace) and refers to Monica and Rachel as "the noisy girls who live in the apartment above mine". I'm not sure if i'm proud of that or not. Maybe you should try playing a recording of Courte playing the recorder. That might get it through to them faster!
