There was the ugly, large girl with the full VA Tech sweatsuit on (in 90 degee weather, mind you) with one of those loud voices that carries and pierces the eardrum talking about cute boys and parties to her bikini clad high school friends. And the lonely middle-aged woman tanning, listening to music, and reading a book. She seemed quite harmless until her favorite song came on her iPod. Then it was a blur of snaps, claps, and singing. I was ready to pull out the video function on my cell phone. That is until I got distracted by hairy chested dad. I'll be honest it was the most red hair I had ever seen on a person. His legs, his chest, and his back were a forest of vibrant red hair.
Today I learned that preggo girls want to be tan too. Blonde-pregnant-pretty girl stripped down to her favorite tube-top swimsuit and instantly fell asleep in the sun. Grampy and Grammy still want to catch some rays too. Grandpa stayed busy with a crossword and Grandma spent the day people-watching. Which is quite understandable considering our surroundings. So, next time I want to read a book I will definitely have to find a different spot.