Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.
Okay picture this. I leave a good forty minutes before I should be sitting in my fluorescently lit cubicle. The first 15 minutes goes really quite smooth but the next thing I know I am at a dead halt for what seems no reason whatsoever. For the next 7 or 8 miles of travel movement is only at about 5 mph in my stick-shift civic. Let's just say there are only so many things to keep me entertained for that amazing 45-90 minutes of my life morning and night...phone calls, texting, schedule, xmas lists, flossing, calling radio stations, books on tape. Too bad I can't blog in the car...I would definitely complain about the peeps that cause the wrecks and especially about the gawkers.
A few weeks ago before the Redskins game I met Nicklas Backstrom, Alex Ovechkin, and Mike Green down on the field. I will not lie and say I am a huge hockey fan cause I'm not. I have never been to or even watched a game. So for me, meeting these three was like meeting some regular guys excited for a football game. But after attending the Caps game last night, regular would be the understatement of a lifetime. I am not kidding when I tell you that what these guys do on the ice is nothing short of amazing. I mean I can remember when I was in middle school playing field hockey. It was hard for me to score a goal then...on an inexperienced 13 year old goalie. And last night, the Caps scored three goals. The most exciting came with 5 seconds left. It was an open netter that traveled the entire length of the ice.