Sunday, November 9, 2008

Man's Best Friend

So, Tanner's been laid up for a week. He strained/pulled (not sure) a muscle in his back and is in such fierce pain that he can't even move. Listen how cute...Tanner dropped some chapstick on the ground and was like, "Ah, man!" But didn't try to picking it up, it just wasn't worth it. A bit later he was upstairs and Jack came up with something in his mouth and dropped it on the floor by his feet. It was the chapstick...he brought it upstairs for Tanner. He honestly brought it to him!?! No chew marks or anything. When Tanner told me I died! It's crazy how animals can actually sense how you are feeling and even try to take care of you.


  1. That is just the cutest thing ever. I has been awhile since you've sent me a pic of the little buggers. Send something new to my phone. Sorry Tanner isn't feeling well. Has he been to the doc yet? He isn't doing anybody any good if something will help and he isn't doing it...(sorry the mom just burst out of me).

  2. Madre: Tanner's doing much better today...slowly healing. He went to the doctor last week thinking it was his kidney, because he was in so much pain. The doc said it was a muscle tear/strain and he just needed to rest, apply heat, and take anti-inflammatories.

  3. I agree completely. My dog Tommy is the same way and it's so cute. A few weeks ago when I had the flu he sat by me in the bathroom and licked my hand (while my head was in the toilet - sorry for the visual). But it's so sweet how they can sense what you're feeling and just know. Dogs are definitely mans best friend!
