Here are some random/fun things that have happened lately... Hotties squared. We went to an IMAX movie at Clarke Planetarium with the fam. Here is Courte & Ty looking outrageously attractive in the gift shop.
Tanner's brother Chris came to visit at the beginning of March. He was here for a snowmobiling trip with his financial advisors and to come see us. We had an awesome time and it was a pretty laidback, simple weekend filled with lots & lots of Guitar Hero!!! Chris had never played and we are fully responsible for his new addiction. The caption for Chris's photo is "look I am holding 10 Arby sauces in the palm of my hand."
Before & After
Last week I was late for work...I pulled out of my garage and suddenly I felt like I ran over a small creature. I'll be honest I was pretty scared to get out and see what I ran over. It was quite the fiasco! If you can imagine me in my business attire and heels trying to pry out this large tube from my wheel well. I thought I could pull forward to undo what happened all that did was cause it to get wedged up on the other side. So, finally I just gunned it out of my driveway and the pic on the right was what remained.
hahahahaha i can't belive you're tire blew up! that's probably one of the funniest things i've heard (or read/saw) all day! and i just want you to know that i'm so glad you're blogging again!