Arches National Park
This was a really fun hike and I might add that it was "highly strenuous." It was absolutely worth it to make the hike, I highly recommend it. Ty, Courte, Tanner, and I got off the trail somehow and ended up scaling walls in order to get a good view of the "Delicate Arch." I don't know why we all went along with it, we should have known that it wasn't the right way. We made it though and took some beautiful photos.

Muscle Man Ty

Courte was really excited to wake up to the sights and sounds of the Super 8 motel that we stayed at,

Deadhorse Point State Park
We thought it would be fun to take our puplers to Moab. Come to find out on the first day of our adventure that animals are not allowed in the National Parks. Wow! Would have been nice to know before we left Logan I even had an awesome dog-sitter on call. Well the visitor center guide told us that they could come with us to Deadhorse Point because it is a State Park. They came with us on a little hike and loved it. Jack was rolling around in the dirt and they were both searching everything out.
Canyonlands National Park
For some reason Tanner, Ty, and Courte thought it was really funny to get really close to the edge or pretend like they were falling off the edge of the trail. It wasn't funny the fall would be fatal and I really didn't appreciate it. But, I guess I can laugh about it now.
Courteney scaring mom, dad, & me.
Watch this video....Ty & Tanner made an awesome recovery after this daring act.
You may ask yourself what Tanner is doing but there is a perfectly good explanation for his yoga position. Tanner wanted to reinact the postcard that he saw earlier that said "Yoga Moab." This must be a pretty common occurrence for them to advertise it.

This doesn't look very cool to the untrained eye but this rock was really hard and scary to climb up on.

Tanner's artsy side came out on this trip.
