We had a fun time last weekend in Virginia here are a few pics from our celebratory bowling night!
We had lots o' fun in Virginia hanging out with Tanner's fam...So, you may not know the people in these photos. Well you can probably tell who Tanner's bro is, Chris & his fiance Christy. The peeps in the picture with Chris are Christy's parents, Skip and Dee. Finally, the one on the right bottom is Tanner's mom, Nancy, and her new "friend," Tom. I cannot remember a time that I ate out more. It was a great, relaxing weekend!
Dude, one day i'll have enough money that we'll go on a fun trip together, just the girls! Good idea no? Congrats on the modeling thing to! Yes, im jealous. Come down to St. G soon so we can hang out and tan! its great weather down here.