We wanted to take a trip out to visit Tanner's family this summer before we make the move to Virginny. So, we packed up the car and the pups and made the 8 hour drive through some pretty desolate terrain. Here are a few updates of the trip so far.
The morning of the trip we were getting the bags ready to go and Baxter made for dang sure that he wasn't getting left behind. He didn't allow more than one foot between him and Tanner the whole morning and busted out the door as soon as we opened it and hopped in the car. Jack on the other hand was on the other side of the spectrum. He fought with all his might to be kept out of the car you wouldn't think the little guy would be so strong. He hated his life the whole entire trip. We had a long drive but had fun playing 20 questions, reading mags, cleaning up Jack puke, and and starting and completing my first Sudoku.

We had some delicious smoked turkey at Tanner's dad's house for dinner and hung out and talked...Gramps informed us that there are two drive-in movies left in the world and one just happens to be in Powell, Wyoming.
Next, over to Kelly & Annie's. Chris found some old school hats of Kelly's and thought it would be funny to wear each one and post it on his blog. It really was pretty funny. Taylor mascara'd his blonde mustache and Christy made some "pink panty pulldowns" and madeout with Baxter. Not much going on but it was definitely some good times.

What a fun trip! When are you guys moving? I'm so excited to have found your blog and see what you guys are up to. I use photoshop elements 6 for my scrapbooking. if you give me your email I can tell you all my sites that I find my kits at... but my favorite is gingerscraps.blogspot.com They are all free!