Let's just say that I am pretty much abnormal. There are a lot of things that I had never experienced before I met Tanner. I wanted to make a list of a few of the things so Tanner can know the impact he has made on my path to normalcy.
Until I met you...
I never knew that the cloth napkin at restaurants was meant for your lap.
I had never cleaned a toilet.
I had never cooked/baked anything on my own.
I thought I had never been to the ocean. (you helped me realize that since I had been to Alcatraz, I had been to the ocean.)
I had never played a game of checkers.
I didn't know the correct way to use a toothpick.
I had never been forced to try the following foods: sushi, asparagus, spinach, tomato soup.
These are just a few things I came up with off the top of my head. There are many, many more. And I'm ashamed to admit it but I'm sure there are more to come. Thanks Tanner!
I didn't try sushi until I met Jon and actually it was Stacy who convinced us to try it. I'm not that big of a fan! I'll tell you what I didn't know anything about cars and 4-wheelers until I married Jon. The things you learn when you get married! I'm glad that you and Tanner are happy. Your such a cuttie! How is your family doing?