Friday: After we got done with "work" we had a late night bbq at Nance's. She made the most delish meal ever. Her new friend Sam the cooking guy has enticed her to whip up some really amazing dishes lately. Who would have thought we would have been licking our fingers and plates after tuna burgers? We were all in such good moods, summer does that to you. I was off the wall with happiness to be off work and because I listened to Tanner on the radio all afternoon.
Saturday: We spent the afternoon and evening with some old slash new friends. Los Toltecos had top-shelf margaritas for $5 so we spent the entire afternoon sitting outside on the restaurant's patio (my favorite thing to do on the earth) sipping on margaritas...well some of us were sipping.

We already started planning our next weekend which involves us pitching a tent in the C's until next time.
Looks like you guys are well on your way to a great summer!