I love birthday week! I am used to being bombarded with many great events including mine and Courte's b-days, dress rehearsals, dance performances, going out to eat in far away places, family time, cupcakes, etc. I was bummed when I realized that my birthday was coming up and I wouldn't be able to share it with my family. Needless to say this year was very different than the rest. Although it did have one commonality in that it was still a very busy birthday week....
The big 2-4! What a wonderful day...the funny thing is I still act like a 9 year old on my birthday...not the 24 years that my drivers license portrays. I want to tell everyone what day it is, I expect everything to revolve around me, and oh ya lots and lots of presents are a must.
The morning started off with my love/hate relationship with Tanner's inability to keep a secret. He kept asking me if I wanted an early gift. He was like it's something you can use for work do you want it?...and there I was torn between whether or not I should open it now or wait....but oh what the hell...I told him I wanted it. He instantly pulled an unwrapped bottle of perfume from the kitchen cupboard and presented it proudly. A gift in the morning is like having ice cream for breakfast...and that moment truly marked my entry into adulthood.
My segway was also evidenced by the fact that I had to go to WORK on my BIRTHDAY which happens to be in the SUMMER. It was a pretty painful day, I tell you, that was interrupted by a delicious trip to the Cheesecake Factory with Tanner and Nance and the spirit of Jen (who couldn't make it because she got stuck at work). I loved enjoying a couple hours with two of my favorite people eating indescribable food and opening presents...and I hear their ultimate margarita is amazing.

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