Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cooley BBQ in a cozy, outdoor oven.

We wanted to have a little BBQ before we made our cross-country voyage. It is becoming real to us finally. The photographs are being taken down, the memories are getting packed away in boxes, and the goodbyes are being said. It is crazy how sad it is to leave even though we are moving forward in our lives. Geez...enough of the emotional roller coaster let's get to the fun stuff. Here are some photos from today's get-together. It turned out great especially since it was the first party that we've ever thrown at our house (my family helped a lot, thank goodness!)


  1. looks like so much fun! I wish I could have been there! The Fellows'? What the... but I get to see you in 4 days!!!!! Yay!!

  2. Nicky and her kids really wanted to wish us farewell in person. Understandable. I can't wait to see you.

  3. Hello Kirsten- Thanks for letting me crash the BBQ! We all had fun. I am so glad that we got to see you before you leave for the real world. Good luck with everything. Oh yeah Thanks for making Jessie famous. She loved seeing herself holding your little one!
