Saturday, August 30, 2008

Our Nerf Life in Redskins Country

Interesting things have been happening that are pretty out of the ordinary. Living here has been an adventure to say the least. Being in VA has allowed Tanner to become more involved with the website...(not like he wasn't already, huh Ryan?)

It's been good though. Between studying and trying to normalize ourselves we have found ourselves at many a business luncheon. We've met with many random people from movie producers, to newswriters, to sportscasters, to Comcast marketing people, etc. People are really interested in what Chris and Tanner are trying to accomplish. They are enjoying this while it lasts because in all actuality who knows how long that may be.

An entertaining event that occurred that caused me to laugh until my abs killed included the creation of a homemade "Fantasy Files" commercial. Chris and a masked friend whose name we will not mention dressed up as rival Cowboy players Romo and Whitten.

These two were hilarious during the production of this spoof. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It felt good and it was great to see the footage that came out of the frivolous night.

Here is Chris's REAL Fantasy File commercial for those of you who may not know what I am talking about.

I have never been around so many diehard sports fans. Anything Redskins related is on the 5 o'clock news or in the Washington Post....The most recent story "Unofficial Redskins Mascot's Tomahawk Stolen." This title may seem silly but it was not taken lightly. While reading the Post at Starbuck's Christy noticed the headline told Chris and instantly had Tanner post a reward (a signed jersey) on Chris's blog for the safe recovery of the Tomahawk.

The results follow in an excerpt from Tanner:

"OH man, oh man, oh man, oh man, OH MAN!" Is what I heard on the other line when I called to tell the Chief that we retrieved his stolen tomahawk. I can't even begin to explain the excitement that brought me. Being able to send out this "APB" and have the missing item returned in less than 6 hours...WOW!

Chief Zee is at every Skins game and is a faithful fan...he's been carrying that tomahawk for the past 30 years and said he felt naked without it. It was heartwarming to see how grateful he was to the Cooley's for getting it back.


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